NRG Expert is able to supply a wide range of reports and databases to support your research needs. Many of these reports and databases are updated regularly so that they remain current and topical in the ever-changing energy market.
Are you looking for data on the total energy generated by each fuel type? NRG Expert offers the most comprehensive database of global fuel generating capacity, and future power forecasts to 2025 with our Power Generator Database.
Or perhaps you’re looking to evaluate how the electricity transmission and distribution networks will evolve to cope with ever rising demand. The data in our Electricity Transmission and Distribution Database enables teams to review the leading manufacturers and their products. It provides forecasts to 2018, calculates line lengths and outlines the various energy infrastructure options available.
Perhaps your area of interest lies more in the field of government and regulation yet it is hard to identify all the hundreds of regulators that have been set up globally. Our database which lists the electricity, sewage, heat, water, and gas regulators for each country might therefore be better suited for your needs.
In short, We offer a very comprehensive look at the world energy market. Have a look at our product brochure or contact us at +44 (0)20 8432-3059.